Analyse your Portfolio for
Smarter Investing

Purnartha's Portfolio Analysis Tools Provide Insights to Align Your Investments with Your Financial Aspirations.

Saurabh Pathak
Head-Investment Counsellor

Optimize Your Investment Portfolio with Precision

With multiple product offerings, it is of utmost importance to provide complete transparency to potential as well as existing clients. At Purnartha, we are fully transparent in our operations – be it fund handling and advisory.

What is Portfolio Analysis?

Portfolio analysis is a comprehensive evaluation tool designed to help you assess your investment
journey and ensure alignment with your financial goals. Whether you invest in mutual funds,
equities, or other assets, it provides actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Investment Insights Portfolio analysis offers
detailed insights of your portfolio performance
Market Analysis Evaluate market trends
and their effect on your investments
Risk Assessment Assess investment risks and
opportunities with our portfolio analysis

What We Offer?

Professional portfolio management schemes designed to help you create a balanced,
growth-oriented portfolio while meeting your unique investment objectives.

Research Excellence Research-backed analysis
for a well-informed portfolio
management approach
Risk Management Identify risks and
evaluate equities to align
portfolio strategies
Expert Guidance Decades of expertise in
portfolio management and
investment strategies

Registered Office Address: Purnartha Investment Advisers Pvt. Ltd., 32/33 Rachna Bungalow, Dr. Ketkar Road, Off Karve Road, Erandwane, Pune - 411 004. Registered Name: Purnartha Investment Advisers Private Limited. CIN: U72200PN2011PTC138994. Type of registration: Non-Individual Investment Advisor. Registration No: INA000000672. Validity: Dec 26, 2013- Perpetual. Principal Officer: Devendra Phadke. BSE Enlistment No. 1682. Telephone (Principal Officer): 020 6901 7100. Type of registration: Portfolio Manager. Registration No: INP000007021. Validity: Jul 23, 2020- Perpetual. Principal Officer: Rahul Rathi. Registered Name: Purnartha Trust, name of the Fund- Purnartha AIF Series I. Type of registration: Category III AIF. Registration No: IN/AIF3/21-22/0893. Validity: NA. Fund Manager: Rahul Rathi. Purnartha Trust Office No 001/002, Palms Square Building, 2nd Floor, Brigade Road, Opposite Brigade Tower, Bengaluru 560025. Contact us: Compliance Officer: Ms. Chandani Saruparia. Compliance Contact: / +91 20 6901 7100.

Disclaimer: Investments in the securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing. Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BSE Ltd and certification from NISM in no way guarantee the performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors.